Expressions of interest are invited from members of the Religious Society of Friends for the position of Secretary to the Asia-West Pacific Section (AWPS) of the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC). The Secretary carries forward the work of the Section, in consultation with the Section Committee. The role involves maintaining a small office, attending and doing secretariat work for the AWPS Committee, keeping contact with affiliated Yearly Meetings, Monthly Meetings and Worshipping Groups, and undertaking some travel within the region and to attend meetings of the Central Committee of FWCC that links all Sections of the Quaker world.
The role also includes working with other Section Secretaries and the World Office

The position takes up to two and a half days per week, and an honorarium is offered. If you are interested in further information, please contact David Purnell at for a job description and details of how to apply. The position will begin from 1 January 2021 and be for 3 years initially.