Friends speak of ‘that of God’ in everyone…Friends believe in Peace
World Quaker Day 2020
World Quaker Day 2020 – save the date and time
AWPS Webinar – A Conversation with Quaker United Nations Organisation (QUNO) Geneva
The Asia West Pacific Section Committee would like to invite you to participate in a zoom conversation with QUNO staff on World Quaker Day
QUNO Geneva. Director Jonathan Woolley
QUNO Climate Change Representative Lindsey Fielder – Cook
Will join us to share news from the QUNO office and also their perspective on the impact of Covid 19 on their work and our collective future.
Registration details available next week.
This event will last for 1 ¼ – 1 ½ hours and will be at the following times.
Sunday 4th October
11.30 AM India
12.30 PM Myanmar
1.00 PM Cambodia
2.00 PM. Hong Kong
Western Australia
3.00 PM Japan
South Korea
3.30 PM. South Australia
4.00 PM Eastern Australia
6.PM. Aotearoa/New Zealand