Being a neighbour – reflections on the 2021 AWPS virtual gathering
Access here the E news that reports on the section gathering - held on line 24th/25th July 2021
Access here the E news that reports on the section gathering - held on line 24th/25th July 2021
The latest E newsletter is now out. This newsletter introduces the new AWPS Secretary Adrian Glamorgan and also gives details of the Section on line gathering to be held on July 24th and 25th. Adrian and Ronis are having a 2 month handover time. Ronis is still the Secretary for the month of July and [...]
The March E new is available at this link. Enjoy reading and please send articles and photos for publication. Ronis Chapman AWPS Secretary.
The December E News has just been published. Use this link to read current news about Quakers in the Asia West Pacific Region.
About the Quaker Conversation Webinar Series In its role of providing connective tissue, FWCC is offering a series of Quaker Conversation sessions to any Friends who want to listen and learn and contribute to concerns important to Friends, particularly during this time of grief and reflection and, transformation. Session 6 Please join us on November [...]
Here is the link to the latest AWPS E newsletter and includes a link to the video of the World Quaker Day Webinar with staff from the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) Geneva.
World Quaker Day is coming up this coming Sunday 4th October. Join Friends from around the Asia West Pacific Section in a conversation with Jonathan Woolley and Lindsey Fielder Cook from the Quaker United Nations Office. Read about this in the latest newsletter.
Read about plans for a Webinar with QUNO Geneva staff on World Quaker Day, Sunday October 4th in the AWPS newsletter that is available from this link.
The AWPS September 2020 E Newsletter now available
World Quaker Day 2019 – Sunday October 6 SUSTAINABILITY: PLANTING SEEDS OF RENEWAL FOR THE WORLD WE LOVE Sustainability – Planting Seeds of Renewal for the World we love. サステナビリティ:我々の愛するこの世界に再生の種を植えよう Paglungtad: pagtisuk sa binhi sa kabag-ohan alang sa gihigugma tang kalibutan वैश्विक स्थायित्व: जिस विश्व से हम प्रेम करते हैं, उसके नवजीवन के बीज बोना [...]