Text of E News August 2019

This is the Central Executive Committee of FWCC at Camp NeeKauNees, a Quaker camp under the care of Canadian Yearly Meeting near Waubaushene, Ontario.

CEC Meeting

The Central Executive Committee of Friends World Committee for consultation meets face to face once a year.  Read my report on this meeting on the AWPS website.


Woodbrooke course

Eldership and Oversight: an online course offered by Woodbrooke, Birmingham, UK.

Zelie Gross, a British Friend and Woodbrooke tutor, talks about an exciting on line Quaker learning opportunity:

The course will help any Quaker serving in eldership / oversight / pastoral care to become more aware and confident in their role – whether learning at the start of an appointment or developing their knowledge and skills. There are still places for the six-week course beginning 2 September, and we are keen to encourage Friends beyond the UK to take these up. Quakers from elsewhere in the world bring valuable experience and insights to the online learning community, and we’d love you to be part of that!

Rooted in our shared understandings of worship, corporate discernment and the importance of community, course content translates readily into different local practice.  The six flexible modules, which can be taken in any order, are loosely based around the six ‘Themes’ in With a tender hand: A resource book for eldership and oversight(Quaker Books, 2015). A copy of the e-book edition is provided to accompany the course, which draws on the bookand refers to it quite often, but the content of the course is very different. The course creators believed participants would want to explore new directions, meet fresh material suited to online learning, and engage with newly challenging questions.

Enrol via Woodbrooke website:


Aotearoa/New Zealand Quaker Lecture 2019 – CRIME and PUNISHMENT -Terry Waite

Terry Waite, British humanitarian and former hostage for nearly five years, talks about prison reform and rehabilitation.


Australia Yearly Meeting Backhouse Lecture 2019 – Jason Macleod

 In this lecture, Jason shared what he has learnt about accompanying West Papuans in their struggle for self-determination. Through personal stories – enlivened by poetry, art, music and video – he shared his sense of this experience in ways that might speak more broadly to Quaker concerns.

View Jason’s lecture on the Quakers Australia YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCid4LJ99gKk9SGhgRioYc7A

Quaker Resources on Climate Change and Sustainability

The FWCC world office website has many resources on sustainability and climate change.  You will find videos, podcasts, discussion materials and more.


World Quaker Day 2019 Sunday October 6th

This year’s theme is: Sustainability: Planting seeds of renewal for the world we love

What is your church or meeting planning for World Quaker Day? Visit the World Quaker Day website to see how the day has been celebrated around the world over the last 6 years.


Quakers in Vietnam?

I have had a request from someone interested in finding Quakers living in Vietnam in the hope of starting a worship group.  Please pass this message on to anyone you know in Vietnam who may be interested in meeting with other Quakers and ask them to send me an email.

To secure the future of a stable Asia West Pacific Section, funding is needed from individuals and local meetings in addition to the funds that come from affiliated yearly meetings.  Please consider supporting AWPS today.

Ronis Chapman

14 August 2019


The best recreation is to do good.

William Penn, 1644 – 1718