Australian Yearly Meeting 2018 Backhouse Lecture
An Encounter between Quaker Mysticism and Taoism in Everyday Life by Cho-Nyon Kim
Cho-Nyon Kim is a member of the Daejon, South Korea, Quaker Monthly Meeting. In this lecture he explores his spiritual journey in the Korean religious environment, in which Confucianism, Buddhism. Taoism and Christianity have all influenced cultural practice and been integrated into daily life. Cho-Nyon Kim is inspired by the life and thoughts of Ham Sok Hon, a prominent Korean peace activist and Quaker. He asks how we can live a simple life in a complex world. The Lecture was delivered on 9 July at Yearly Meeting 2018 at Avondale College, Cooranbong, New South Wales
- The lecture Video available here
- a transcription (in PDF) of the video can be found here and can be opened and read whilst listening to the video version
The Lecture publication can be ordered here.
The Backhouse Lectures are public lectures on contemporary issues delivered annually at the national gathering of Quakers in Australia. They were initiated by Australia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) on its establishment in 1964. Friends from both Australia and overseas have presented lectures.