Japan Yearly Meeting Epistle November 22, 2020

To Friends Worldwide, On November 21-22, 2020, the annual gathering of Japan Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends was hosted by Tsuchiura Monthly Meeting. We took as our theme Philippians 1:9-10: "May your love grow ever richer in the power of knowing and discerning, and may you be able to discern what is [...]

FWCC Quaker Conversation : Gerry Yokota and Jo Vallentine speak on What is Mine to do?

FWCC Quaker Conversation in partnership with AWPS What is Mine to do?  Sunday 28th November 2020 Did you miss out on FWCC Quaker Conversation Number 6. Gerry Yokota from Japan and Jo Vallentine from Australia spoke beautifully about how being a Quaker is woven in to their everyday life and work and activism as they [...]

By |2023-01-05T16:33:29+11:00December 22nd, 2020|Blog, Crossing Cultures - Sharing Stories|0 Comments

FWCC Quaker Conversations – #6 What is mine to do?

About the Quaker Conversation Webinar Series In its role of providing connective tissue, FWCC is offering a series of  Quaker Conversation sessions to any Friends who want to listen and learn and contribute to concerns important to Friends, particularly during this time of grief and reflection and, transformation. Session 6 Please join us on November [...]

A Review of Human Kind – Rutger Bregman

Humankind. A Hopeful History  Rutger Bregman. Bloomsbury Publishing. London. 2020. p. 463. $ 32-99 ISBN  TPB 978-1-4088-9894-9 A review by Reg Naulty, Canberra Quaker Meeting, Australia In this book, Rutger Bregman presents scientific evidence showing that a  more realistic and positive view of human nature than is commonly held, is reasonable. For example, many environmentalists see [...]

By |2023-01-05T16:33:35+11:00September 23rd, 2020|Blog, Epistles and Reports|0 Comments
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